Take sufficient time when you create a storyboard for your presentation. Allowing yourself enough time to plan, gives you space to breathe, which in turn enables you to really think about the structure of your content. I often advise my clients to work backwards. Start with the overall objective and purpose of the presentation. What are the key messages you want to convey? Create a summary/conclusions page first. It also helps to write this down on a blank piece of paper, writing helps the mind to focus. If you can storyboard or map out a frame work, it will help to break everything into bite-size chunks. It can be confusing when you have a lot of thoughts and ideas in your head and you are trying to get them all out at once. So keep it top-line to begin with, then start to break everything down.

Here are my 5 main tips in creating your storyboard

  1. Every good story has a beginning, middle and end. You need to think about your story, a theme and thread that ebbs and flows, it runs through your presentation and ties in nicely at the end.
  2. You should also think about research that will back up your facts and quotes from relevant inspirational people to help emphasis key points you want to highlight and/or tell a true personal story, this of something you can use as a metaphor.
  3. If you are presenting to an audience, you want to keep them engaged so only key points on a page. Big stand-out copy and stats with engaging imagery. Where possible and relevant have a video of some kind, using media and music can set the tone, when it’s done right video is emotive, remember, we are trying to connect emotionally. The video content will depend on what your subject matter is, but give it some thought.
  4. Iconography really works too. People focus and remember better when looking at visual graphics or images. If you have too much text on a slide they will get lost, then their brains shut down and they start to wonder off….they will start thinking about other things….not good!!
  5. All the content you have is your script so keep it in your notes and for rehearsing your presentation.

So stick to these tips and you will see that writing your storyboard isn’t that complicated. It’s common sense. But once done, your presentation will be so much stronger. Do you agree? What’s your experience in writing storyboard for your presentation?